Getting Started

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This page is intended to help agent developers get started with the Power TAC server and agent framework. Please feel free to add your experiences and insights to the Discussion page (note that you may need to log in to edit that page).

Power TAC server

The Power TAC server is designed to be installed and run using maven, a tool that provides a rich dependency-management infrastructure as well as goal-directed build automation. If you do not have a copy of maven on your system, you will need to install it. Although it is not absolutely necessary, we recommend that you build your brokers as maven projects as well, or using some other tool that uses maven repositories, such as Gradle.

Sample Broker

At the time of this writing, the only sample broker implementation available is in Java. Others, including a Repast framework, are on the agenda but awaiting a volunteer to take responsibility.

Currently, the recommended way to use the sample broker is by pulling down the source from Github and modifying it. Note that you can either clone it or fork it if you want to use git, or you can pull down a source package from the downloads page in the format of your choice.

As long as you confine your changes to the MarketManagerService and the PortfolioManagerService, you should be able to integrate your work with future releases fairly easily. Eventually, we may have time to prepare a package that more clearly separates the framework from the broker implementation.

All the interaction with the server is through xml-serialized jms messages. You receive them by including them in the registration list in the init() method (see for example), and then writing a handleMessage() method to process it. You may, of course, add additional message-handling modules simply by following the pattern in the existing MarketManagerService and PortfolioManagerService, and adding a call to its init() method in SampleBroker.init(). Outgoing messages to the server are sent by calling the sendMessage() method on the SampleBroker instance. All the message types are in the common module, specifically in the common and common.msg packages. You should not need to download the common package; maven will take care of that.

If you want to add new top-level modules to the server, it should be enough to simply label with with the @Service annotation ahead of the class declaration. MarketManagerService and PortfolioManagerService are labeled this way. This is all the information Spring needs to attempt to instantiate it and wire it in through dependency injection.

Release types

Releases are labeled with names of the form major.minor.point[-status]. There are two kinds of releases, full releases and "snapshot" releases. A full release such as 0.2.0 is distinguished by a missing status indicator. A snapshot release such as 0.2.0-SNAPSHOT is distinguished by the status label.

Full releases are stable; they will not be changed at all once announced. Instead, point releases may be made if required. Each full release includes a downloadable distribution package, detailed release notes, and will be available through Maven Central.

Snapshot releases represent reasonably stable points along a development path, and will made when new features become available that are of interest to agent developers. They do not include downloadable distribution packages or release notes, but their status can be roughly assessed by looking at the current list of open issues on github. To use a snapshot release, you will typically need to clone at least one of the git repositories from the Power TAC development archives. Instructions for using particular snapshot releases will be sent out through the developer's mailing list; here's an example. Instructions for setting up a full server development environment are provided on the Power TAC developer's wiki at github.

Release history

The most recent release is shown first.

Power TAC server, sample broker framework, and game visualizer, version 0.6.1, July 2012

This release is focused on stability rather than functionality, especially stability in a multi-game tournament situation. The only significant functional changes are in the operation of the balancing market, which should effectively discourage running large current-timeslot deficits, and in the tariff-evaluation behavior of the customer models, which will discourage excessive periodic charges. It includes an updated server, broker framework, and game visualizer.

In addition to the functional changes, there have been some API changes and a thorough re-working of the interactions among brokers, simulation servers, visualizers, and the tournament scheduler at the beginning of each game. Brokers and visualizers no longer create queues on the simulation servers; rather, the servers create all the queues. Queue names are generated by the tournament scheduler, and provided to both brokers and visualizers when they log in.

Release Notes

Changes in this release include:

Power TAC server version 0.5.1, 7 May 2012

This is a bugfix update of 0.5.0. Specifically, issue #531 is fixed, so the balancing market should work correctly without producing NaN values. The download package is available on github. The sample broker is unmodified, and remains at version 0.5.0.

Power TAC server version 0.5.0, April 2012

As with previous releases, the server is distributed in the form of a small directory called "server-distribution" that contains a README.txt file, a sample server configuration file, and a maven pom.xml file. Detailed instructions for configuring and running the server are in the README.txt file.

The sample broker implementation is also updated for this release.

Release Notes

This release is feature-complete for the 2012 international competition. It includes a web-based front-end for controlling and viewing simulations, several new features, and a number of bugfixes. New features include:

  • The Visualizer, a web-based front-end that lets you set up and start games, and then watch them.
  • Controllable capacity in customer models, indicated by a PowerType of INTERRUPTIBLE_CONSUMPTION, and supported by new representation including
    • Customers that support interruption will generally shift their demand to the subsequent timeslot, on in some cases will spread the shift out over a couple of timeslots.
    • EconomicControlEvents that allow a broker to curtail some portion of the power demand for a specific tariff over a specified timeslot,
    • BalancingOrders that allow a broker to offer some portion of the customer demand for a specific tariff to the DU to be used to offset supply-demand imbalances. Brokers are paid when their BalancingOrders are exercised according to the scheme described in Section 6.2.3 of the game specification.
    • BalancingControlEvents notify brokers when their BalancingOrders are exercised.
    • A Rate for a Tariff with a PowerType of INTERRUPTIBLE_CONSUMPTION can specify the maximum proportion of the customer's offered load that can be curtailed in a given timeslot.
  • Broker login is much more forgiving - you can start brokers before the server is running, and they will periodically re-try their logins until the server is ready for them. You can also limit the time the server will wait for all specified brokers to log in. This feature requires the updated core elements of the sample broker package.
  • Server configuration information is communicated to brokers in the form of a Properties object rather than the earlier, somewhat idiosyncratic PluginConfig instances.
  • Communication between the server and brokers uses a simple 2-secret scheme to discourage spoofing (presumably by other brokers). The broker logs in with the name of its queue, and the server passes a short token when the login is accepted, which must be pre-pended to each message sent to the server. This is implemented in the updated sample broker package.
  • Boot sessions run much faster. The default currently is 400 msec/timeslot, and it could probably be half that without causing problems.

In addition, a number of issues have been resolved, including

  • Weather data now includes cloud cover information (#308), and the solar producers use it to adjust output.
  • The competition length computation correctly accounts for the bootstrap period (#486).
  • Incoming message from brokers are now written to the server state log (#490).
  • The synchronization between the server and brokers is much improved (#492). The clock will be paused if the interval between the TimeslotComplete message and the beginning of the following timeslot falls below a configurable threshold.
  • The server has not been known to crash at the end of a simulation since #498 was fixed.
  • The sample broker has been refactored to cleanly separate the core framework from the agent behaviors (#501).
  • A race condition that existed when a broker tried to revoke a tariff before it was published has been resolved (#505, #507).
  • TariffTransactions are no longer crediting brokers when they should be debits (for example, when customers produce power, the broker needs to pay them, not charge them) (#517).
  • The Timeslot sequence no longer gets messed up if the machine goes out to lunch past the expected end of a timeslot (#519).
  • Customer bootstrap data now shows correct PowerType information, needed by brokers to compose tariffs (#520).

Known defects in this release:

  • #531: When the balancing market curtails a customer under an INTERRUPTIBLE_CONSUMPTION tariff in the same timeslot when that customer has reduced its subscription to that tariff to zero, the order of operations is incorrect (the unsubscribe happens before the curtailment), and we get a divide-by-zero error. You should not see then unless you are offering a tariff for interruptible consumption. The sample broker offers such a tariff; until we have a fix, you can not use the sample broker, or you can reduce the rate for that tariff so customers are much less likely to ever unsubscribe.

Power TAC server version 0.2.0, February 2012

(Preliminary) As was the case with the 0.1.0 release, the server is distributed in the form of a small directory that contains a README.txt file, a sample server configuration file, and a maven "project object model" file called pom.xml. Detailed instructions for configuring and running the server are in the README.txt file.

This release also comes with a companion sample broker implementation, written in Java, that provides all the message types, the interaction with the server, and very simple behaviors for offering tariffs and bidding in the wholesale market.

For more information on the status, design, and development process for the server, there is a developer-oriented writeup at GitHub on getting started with the new Power TAC server.

Release notes

This release represents a significant milestone toward the 2012 competition, but it still lacks the web-based front-end, and there are still no analysis tools. In addition to a number of bugfixes and code cleanups, there are a number of important issues resolved and new features with respect to the 1.0 release:

  • New command-line interface gives much more control over server configuration (#463, #481). It is documented in the README file.
  • New configuration system provides a uniform way to configure the server, eliminates the need to keep track of server configuration options in three different places, and gets rid of the PluginConfig instances that were showing up in the bootstrap-data file (#462). Instead, the broker is now sent a single Properties instance at the beginning of a simulation session containing all the public configuration data.
  • Broker login now works correctly (#467).
  • There is now a Java-based sample agent available (#444).
  • Server and sample broker can now be configured to run on different hosts (#475).
  • Tariff publication and revocation fees are now randomized (#483).
  • Customer unsubscribe events are now correctly communicated to brokers, so they can accurately track the number of customers subscribed to each tariff (#487).
  • The customer models (both the bottom-up "household-customer" model and the statistical "factored-customer" model) use weather reports to decide how much power to use in certain appliance types, such as air conditioners (#446).

Power TAC server version 0.1.0, December 2011

The server is distributed in the form of a small directory that contains a README.txt file, a sample server configuration file, and a maven "project object model" file called pom.xml. The first time you run the server, there will be a significant pause, and considerable console output, while maven retrieves all the components that make up the server. Detailed instructions for configuring and running the server are in the README.txt file.

For more information on the status, design, and development process for the server, there is a developer-oriented writeup at GitHub on getting started with the new Power TAC server.

Release notes

This release is a "developers" release. The simulator portion of the Power TAC server is quite usable, but missing a few features that we intend to support for the 2012 competition in June. However, the web-based front-end is missing, the web application for scheduling tournaments and large-scale experiments is not included, and there are as yet no log-analysis tools available.

Specific unresolved issues for this release include (with links to the original github issues)

  • We currently do not have a Java-based broker framework to offer (issue #444), although we expect to have one in a few weeks, and there are a couple of people who have already done Java-based brokers. There is also a Grails-based broker framework that has been updated to work with the new server.
  • Some modules are not currently configurable through the server properties file (issues #419 and #454.
  • Customer models, including the solar and wind models in the factored-customer module, do not react to current weather conditions (issue #441).
  • The balancing charges are not generated exactly as described in the specification (issue #435). Instead, the older balancing scheme from the Grails prototype is still in place.
  • An anomaly has been observed in wholesale market clearing (issue #457), in a forked version of the server. At this point we have not been able to make it happen in the current codebase, but we are leaving the issue open until we are confident that it's been resolved.
  • Brokers do not get information about total net load per timeslot (issue #431).
  • Cloud cover in weather reports is always zero (issue #308).
  • Customer models currently do not implement controllable/interruptible capacity, and the distribution utility does not exercise them in any case (issue #243).

Release history for the 2011 Grails prototype

Instructions for the original Grails version of the Power TAC simulation server.